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Staying Safe This Holiday Season: Beware of Common Scams and Frauds

As we head into the holiday season, stay vigilant online. Cybercriminals are eager to take advantage of increased online activity, and Credit Union of America wants to keep members in the know. Here's a heads-up on some common scams and frauds to ensure your holiday remains joyful.

  • Fake Order Confirmations: Watch out for deceptive emails or texts posing as Amazon or other retailers, confirming orders you didn't make. These are attempts to gain your personal and financial information.
  • Fraudulent Delivery Issues: Be cautious of messages pretending to be from delivery services, claiming issues with your order and requesting payment or personal details.
  • Charity Scam Emails: Scammers often exploit the season of giving by posing as legitimate charities. Always verify a charity's authenticity before making any donations.
  • Too-Good-To-Be-True Deals: Emails offering unbelievable shopping deals may lead to fake websites designed to obtain your credit card information.
  • Holiday Travel Scams: Be skeptical of unexpected travel deals in emails, as they may redirect you to fraudulent websites.
  • E-Cards with Malware: Exercise caution with electronic holiday cards. They could contain harmful links or malware; only open e-cards from known and trusted sources.

How to Protect Yourself:

  • Verify the Message Source: Check the sender's email address or phone number and be skeptical of messages from unknown senders.
  • Avoid Suspicious Links: Hover over links to verify their destination. When in doubt, type the retailer's website URL in your Internet browser manually.
  • Use Secure Payment Methods: Shop on secure, reputable websites. Look for 'https' in the web address to ensure a secure connection.
  • Keep Software Updated: Regularly update your software and antivirus programs to guard against threats.

As you shop online this holiday season, these tips will help you stay one step ahead of scams. Stay vigilant, shop securely, and enjoy a safe and happy holiday season!

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